Introduction to my website >> Home

| Welcome to my website!
| On this website you'll explore my adventure with tech and current projects I'm working on.
| *This website is currently not finished, some things may not work!

Hi, welcome to my website! This website explores my adventure with tech and current projects that I'm working on and sharing with you!
With that boring introduction away, lets introduce myself! My name is Alfred, I'm a tech enthusiast who experiments and plays with computers and networking!
I've been messing with computers since 2014, I built my first computer (an actual pc) in 2017, I mainly run network simulations and play games. But I also mess with networking.
I have a little homelab, nothing special, hosting a few VMs to messing with 40gb infiniband. This website will explore and hopefully teach you as well the stuff I do.
I hope to have a blog posted about every month, some sooner, this website will be updated when the blogs start rolling out on the homepage where you found this article.

Theres a summary of what I hope to achieve with this website.